Is your men’s ministry stuck in a rut? We can help.

We have 3 programs that are designed to help groups of men build a lifestyle of putting Christ first.


If there are men in your church who are frustrated by their lack of spiritual growth, this book is for you. The aim is to help men find the road that leads to spiritual maturity in a way that is clear, brief, and pertinent.

Christian men today are unprepared for the spiritual warfare they face. Many go about their lives naively ignoring the power that spiritual forces like sin and Satan have in their lives. As a result a lot of men - Christian men- are losing the fight against pride, lust, vanity and sloth. We’ve created a 10 week challenge to help the guys in your church start fighting back.

Most men’s discipleship focuses either on reading books or eating bacon. Neither model is sufficient to meet the needs of modern men. For guys to see their lives transformed by the gospel, they need more than information and casual relationships. They need help adjusting their lifestyle so that bad habits are broken, and good habits are formed. CT 12 is a 12 week training program for ordinary men who feel trapped in the ruts of modern life. Most discipleship programs focus on communicating information, but this program prioritizes simple routines, bodily discipline, and spiritual camaraderie.

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Schedule a Zoom call with us.