Redeem the Morning

There is no other time of day like morning in terms of freshness of mind, availability before God, and stepping out into the day on the right foot. It's nearly impossible to recover after having missed the first part of the day.

Don't miss your opportunity to start your day with God.

Redeeming the morning is one mark of being spiritually fit. You might have a morning routine that is making you more productive, but what you really need is a morning routine that makes you more holy. This week on the Cross Training Ministries podcast Joe and Evan encourage guys to devote the morning to God and answer common questions about a healthy morning routine:

  • Everyone talks about a quiet time with God: what is a quiet time?

  • How early should I get up? How much time should I set aside in the morning?

  • What do I do if I have small kids that get up early?

  • Is it possible to get up too early?

  • Are there other elements besides a quiet time that should be a part of my morning routine?